This Nordic research collaboration was initiated in 2008 with the purpose to investigate the health of children born after assisted reproduction (ART), and with this, the safety of ART. The idea was to pool health data from the national health registries in the participating four Nordic countries to establish the world’s largest cohort of children born after ART. With the inclusion of ART children born from the mid 1980ies until today, such data enable long-term follow-up of the children to investigate risk of pubertal disorders, mental and neurodevelopmental disorders, reproductive and maternal health issues, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic conditions such as diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, we aim to investigate also more rare diseases and syndromes and their potential relation to assisted reproduction.
The Committee of Nordic ART and Safety consists of two representatives from each participating Nordic country. The researchers involved from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden are both clinicians working with ART; obstetricians and gynaecologists, as well as perinatal and reproductive health epidemiologists.